You wanna know the truth?…

I’ve had someone keep telling me that I am absolutely shameful and a total disgrace. They have been saying things like “Its a good thing you moved out to the desert because you deserve to be in absolute exile because of this divorce. You should just stay out there and hide away from the world until all is said and done.” They have taunted me saying I may even be better off taking my own life because I’m causing so many painful messes and everyone would be better off without me. That owning my truth and the fact that I am falling madly in love with an extraordinary woman should never be shared publicly. They’ve said “Keep that in the dark as an absolute secret, you should never admit that out loud because shouting that from the rooftops is only hurting your ex and your whole family.”

Now for some serious transparency…

That person is ME. Well, the lower-self me anyway. The self that I’ve been diligently working on quieting down and putting to rest. She can be a real bitch I tell ya. However, my higher self, my inner goddess, oh how I just adore her and basking in her light. I found her while in Peru and she hasn’t left my side. She’s been reminding me of the EXACT OPPOSITE each morning in my meditations...
That I am “pure love in motion” that I am WORTHY, I am CAPABLE, I am BEAUTIFUL, I am FREE and I AM LIGHT.

We all have this inner dialogue going on within us between our higher and lower selves. Sometimes one shouts louder than the other and it becomes hard to recognize which to be the truth and often times we mistake one for the other believing in the lie. I find this to be hell. Believing that you are anything other than a necessary part of the whole, and divinity by nature.

So do yourself a favor and join me. LET GO. Embrace the act of shutting down your inner critic, that lower self that keeps you playing small and bound so tightly. Freedom is our absolute birth-rite my loves, don’t forget. There will be many growing pains in this life, but they are only meant to prove that you are morphing into the being that you were always meant to become in the life you were meant to live. RECLAIM YOUR INNER MAGIC 🔮
And so it is.
